It’s Submission Time Again

The winter flew by (except when we thought it would never end—how are the people of Westeros going to survive it?!), and you know what that means: Our submissions period is now open! We’re accepting fiction, nonfiction (including memoir), and poetry from now until September 1, 2019. Details can be found on our Submissions page. Drop us an email at with any questions. We can’t wait to see what you’ve got for us for Issue Three. Good luck!

2 thoughts on “It’s Submission Time Again

  1. Bruce and Nancy Westerdahl says:

    In the Seventies, Nancy and I bought a home on Yoder Hill Rd from Margaret Alexander of Utica, NY. The house had no electricity, running water or sewer. Our only heat was from an old fashion wood cook stove which we have donated to the Yates County Historical Society.

    Margaret was an artist and a poet, and I am submitting by email a drawing and a poem created by her and presented to us as a Christmas gift in 1976. Both are original.

  2. Bruce and Nancy Westerdahl says:

    I will submit another sketch and poem by Margaret Alexander , gifts to us in 1976. Look to your email.

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